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  • Programme

    08:45 – Registration starts

    09:30 - Welcome speech 

    Ms. Ivy LEUNG Siu-ling, Chief Executive, Christian Family Service Centre  
    Dr. Libby LEE Ha-yun, JP, Under Secretary for Health, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government

    09:45 - Keynote speeches

    Policy dialogue on promoting person-centred integrated care

    Dr PANG Fei-chau, Commissioner, Primary Healthcare, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government
    Professor Samuel WONG Yeung-shan, Director, Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK
    Dr. Donald LI Kwok-tung, GBS, JP, Chairman, Elderly Commission, HKSAR Government

    10:20 -  Older people in the web of care

    Christian Family Service Centre Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) team   

    10:30 - Lectures

    Person-centred care in older population – Bringing health and social care / support together 

    Professor Angela LEUNG Yee-man, Director, The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Importance of oral health care, Chinese Medicine, medication management and social care in integrated care 

    Dr. Frankie SO Hon-ching, Consultant, Oral Health Care, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government
    Professor Ian WONG Chi-kei, Primary Healthcare Commission Member, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government
    Ms. Rowena WONG How-wan, Chief Manager (Chinese Medicine), Hospital Authority, HKSAR Government
    Professor Terry LUM Yat-sang, Henry G.Leong Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong


    Mr. Gary KONG Ching-yue, Programme Director (Primary Healthcare Services), Christian Family Service Centre

    11:30 - Break - Booths viewing

    11:50 - Lectures

    Integrated care in Asian contexts

    Professor LIU Jun-e, Dean, Capital Medical University School of Nursing, Beijing, China    
    Professor Lynn HU, School of Health Policy and Management, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
    Assistant Professor Clive TAN, Senior Consultant (Public Health), Tan Tock Seng Hospital, National Healthcare Group, Singapore                  
    Hong Kong 
    Ms. Wendy LI Tip-yan, Senior Manager/ Programme Lead of ICOPE, Primary Health Care Services, Christian Family Service Centre

    13:15 - Lunch

    14:15 - Lectures

    Local Practices on integrated care through digital intervention

    Mr. Alan LAI Ka-ho, Founder, the CLINIC and CEO of Pet Space, and Advisory Committee Member of CFSC Primary Health Care Services
    Assistant Professor Ivy ZHAO Yan ,  School of Nursing and Deputy Director, The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    16:00 - Break

    16:20 - Concurrent Sessions 

    A. Workshop on Interprofessional collaboration in primary healthcare (Room 201)

    Christian Family Service Centre Primary Health Care Services Team
    B. Lectures and discussions on collaborative practices in primary healthcare (Auditorium)
    Dr. Edwin CHUNG Ka-hung, PhD, HomAge, Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
    Mr. NG Ming-wai, Manager, Mind Delight Memory and Cognitive Training Centre, Christian Family Service Centre

    17:15 - Conclusion and closure of the symposium

    Mr. Gary KONG Ching-yue, Programme Director (Primary Health Care Services), Christian Family Service Centre

  • Officiating Guests

    Dr. Libby LEE Ha-yun, Under Secretary for Health, Health Bureau HKSAR Government

    Dr. Libby LEE Ha-yun, JP

    Under Secretary for Health, Health Bureau HKSAR Government

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    Ms. Ivy LEUNG Siu-ling
    Chief Executive, Christian Family Service Centre

  • Keynote Session

    Dr. Libby LEE Ha-yun, Under Secretary for Health, Health Bureau HKSAR Government

    Dr. PANG Fei-chau
    Commissioner, Primary Healthcare, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government


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    Professor Samuel WONG Yeung-shan

    Director, Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK

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    Dr. Donald LI Kwok-tung, GBS, JP

    Chairman, Elderly Commission, HKSAR Government

  • Guest speakers 

    Dr. Libby LEE Ha-yun, Under Secretary for Health, Health Bureau HKSAR Government

    Professor Angela LEUNG Yee-man 

    Director, The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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    Dr. Frankie SO Hon-ching

    Consultant, Oral Health Care, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government

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    Professor Ian WONG Chi-kei

    Primary Healthcare Commission member, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government

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    Professor LIU Jun-e,

    Dean, Capital Medical University School of Nursing, Beijing, China   

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    Assistant Professor Clive TAN

    Senior Consultant (Public Health), Tan Tock Seng Hospital, National Healthcare Group, Singapore    

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    Mr. Alan LAI Ka-ho

    Founder, the CLINIC and CEO of Pet Space, and Advisory Committee Member of CFSC Primary Health Care Services  

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    Assistant Professor Ivy ZHAO Yan

    School of Nursing and Deputy Director, The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Ms. Rowena WONG How-wan

    Chief Manager (Chinese Medicine), Hospital Authority, HKSAR Government

    Professor Terry LUM Yat-sang

    Henry G.Leong Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong

    Professor Lynn HU

    Professor, School of Health Policy and Management, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China  

    Ms. Wendy LI Tip-yan

    Senior Manager/ Programme Lead of ICOPE, Primary Health Care Services, Christian Family Service Centre

    Dr. Edwin CHUNG Ka-hung

    PhD, HomAge, Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong

    Mr. NG Ming-wai

    Manager, Mind Delight Memory and Cognitive Training Centre, Christian Family Service Centre  

  • Registration

    Registration Fee: $350

    Application of CME Accreditation is pending


    Address: Auditorium, 1/F, CFSC Headquarter, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon